what's great about him is that he seems so guy next-door but his pictures show how different and unique he can be !! cool right !!? but what about chad white !!? what happened ?
he is guys next door! he is my boss's son. and saw him this week.. he was helping around his fathers buisness cleaning up out side yard work ect.... we teased him that he was going to get his nails dirty! he is too cute! he laughted!
He looks bit different because of his "newly" lean-muscular body type.
For first time, I saw his first snapshot and he looks quite youthful and had bubbly personality.
Now, he grows into young mature man....Hmm...I'm sure that he learned a lot from the past...
Well, congratulate him for having a great career in this frenzy high-fashion industry.
Happy Birthday, Blaine Cook! Have fun!
P.S.: Recent snapshots, he looks bit serious. What's up with that?
what's great about him is that he seems so guy next-door but his pictures show how different and unique he can be !! cool right !!? but what about chad white !!? what happened ?
he is guys next door! he is my boss's son. and saw him this week.. he was helping around his fathers buisness cleaning up out side yard work ect.... we teased him that he was going to get his nails dirty! he is too cute! he laughted!
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